I'm still working at Tenaga Switchgear. Let's see, it's almost 4 years. Dlm tension2 dgn MD and such...still standing and sitting at my place...huhuhuuu.. Promote? Hmm...tk de rezki lagi. Nak buat gi mana...not MD feberet...so, sabar ajelah. Rezki dari Allah. Bukan rezki lagi lah tu..insyaAllah, ada yg lebih besar.
Tisya is in Standard 5 this year. Setahun lagi, periksa UPSR. She still in the first class. Alhamdullillah...but worried dgn Maths dia. Last year, drop and she only got 3A 2B, but still amik hadiah. No 5 in class and 7 in the whole standard 4 and best subject in Kajian Tempatan. Hopefully this year she will excel like she used to be. Tapi tulah...smpai la ni, aku masih tk enroll dia kat mana2 tuition class. This year ingat nak try other center...since Sinaran last year not so good. The Brain Box is the center that I want to try. Katanya, approach diaorg one to one..dlm kelas hanya 5 org ajer. Just call up the center..hmmm, fee agak high. But if its good...i dont mind. May be focus to one subject. Maths. Tgk cemana esok. Nak gi survey the place pulak.
Sometimes, I feel that I'm not good enough. Especially in my work. Entahlah...i dont think i'm good HR practitioner. Sometimes, aku rasa mcm aku tak tau apa2...walau dah hampir 12 tahun in this line. May be, my experience not much... TSG has exposed me a lot to the real 'HR' field. I mean in corporate way. Well, working with GLC...so, byk benda yg kena ikut prosedur and system nya...which is sometimes, hectic and stressful. But I do love my job...meeting with ppl, bermcm ragam...and its really open my eyes.
But, I do have my dream. I want to further my study. Nak amik MBA, nak mengajar...tp tk taula. Mcm sukar buat masa ini...money contraint terutamanya. I wish, ada rezki dari Allah...yg dtg tanpa sedar, that i can clear all the debts yg dr hujung rambut ke hujung kaki ni...and being financial free. Susun balik kehidupan...and hidup dlm keadaan tenang and dpt buat benda yg disukai dan buat kerja2 yg memberi manfaat kepada semua. Oh, I wish....
That's all for the first entry of the year.. Harapnya, tahun ni, ada rahmat dan limpah kurnia dariNya. Walaupun a bad start in 2012 where i'm infected with Rotavirus, severe food poisoining and inlufnza A...but I do take it positively. Utk Allah menghapuskan dosa and this is time for me to take care of my health. Hmm...something mengejutkan after done scoping. Ya Allah, inilah hikmahnya...Aku pasti dan tahu, setiap apa yg engkau jadikan, ada sebab dan maksudnyaaa...
Now, puasa kopi dan seangkatanya dan no more daging. InsyaAllah I will hold to it...and hopefully, I can managed!